SS CONSULTANTS have immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as one of the leading ISO 9001:2015 Certified manpower recruitment agency based in Chennai, the focal point of talented manpower in South India, Approved by the Ministry of External Affairs Government of India with the Registration number B-0094/CHENNAI/PER/1000+/5/7011/2005 Validity is up to 13/09/2025

We have a track record of recruiting most of management professional ,technical and non technical personnel, skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled workers for our clients in the Gulf and other Middle Eastern countries. Our credentials are well established and we are known for deploying the RIGHT personnel for the RIGHT job. Though a wide network of our associate offices extending to all our four region and state of India. We carry out instant sourcing and stratified selection of Manpower.

We maintain very cordial relations with Airlines Travel agents, Government authorities and Foreign diplomatic consulates to achieve our aims. We do not purge records of any candidate after he/she is selected, they remain part of our history for future reference.

“I take this wonderful opportunity to introduce my company – SS Consultants, a globally renowned human resource provider. Being a seasoned human resource professional for the past 25 years, I believe in the power of people. We as a company have a singular purpose and that is to get the ‘right people for the right job at the right time’ for you.

We offer our clients personal service with utmost confidentially, as we quickly understand your needs on a more intricate level. Whether you are a start up, mid-size or a fortune 500 company – we source only the right people, irrespective of the quantum of your requirement. If you want the best people working for your organization then, SS Consultants are at your services

SS Consultants is rated, among leading manpower consultants of India and powered by a large client base of exacting customers who swear by our uncanny knack of matching the right employee with the right job in the organization.”

  • Swathi Complex New No.19, Old No.10, Bazulla Road No.9 Brb Apartments, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600017.
  • TEL: 044 4212 3406
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  • 6- First Floor, Palaniappa Complex, Near Union Office, MELUR – 625 106, Madurai
  • TEL: 0452 2415721
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  • Website:
  • Mallaya House, No.10a Williams Road, Cantonment, Trichy – 620 001.
  • TEL: 0431 4975002
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